Emergency Services Collaboration Working Group calls for response to Collaboration Questionnaire

The Emergency Services Collaboration Working Group (ESCWG) was formed in September 2014 underpinned by the principle that change should be centrally supported but locally driven.

The group provides strategic leadership, coordination and support to improve emergency services collaboration.

Represented on the ESCWG are the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) CC Simon Edens, Association of Ambulance of Chief Executives (AACE) Martin Flaherty, National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) Vice Chair, CFO Phil Loach, HM Coastguard Deputy Director Chris Thomas and senior government departments. The Home Office and Department of Health are also represented.

Central to the work of the ESCWG is the development of a repository of good practice which will be made available to those working on the local development of collaborative schemes through a live, interactive platform.To support the development of this, the ESCWG are requesting that collaboration leads complete a questionnaire for each collaboration project that is in place with one or more other emergency service.

Further details about the questionnaire are available here.

You can also view the questions that comprise the questionnaire here.

The ESCWG have requested that the questionnaire is shared across your respective networks, and are asking organisations to complete a questionnaire for each project undertaken.  A return date of the 18th December 2018 is requested.

Any queries can be directed to ESCWG Senior Programme Manager Rebecca Gill at Rebecca.Gill@staffordshirefire.gov.uk or on 07971 893 288.


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