Threat Level

Preparing for the worst

NARU’s role helps strengthen the resilience of the NHS ambulance service

Since 2006, the UK threat level from international terrorism has stayed largely constant between severe and critical – its two highest levels. The threat to the UK from Northern-Ireland based terrorism is moderate.

The work of NARU helps ambulance services remain prepared and equipped to respond to major, mass casualty incidents involving terrorism in the UK.

In recent times these have included the large-scale attacks on civilians on Westminster Bridge (March 2017), at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester (May 2017) and on London Bridge and at Finsbury Park (both June 2017).

The following table shows the different categories of UK threat levels:

This heightened state of alert makes it all the more imperative that NHS ambulance services have a robust, co-ordinated way of preparing for the unthinkable – and acting quickly and effectively when it occurs.

You can find out more here at the GovUK website.

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