Heatwave Warning – Heat Health Watch

Level 1 – Summer Preparedness

Temperatures are not expected to reach heatwave threshold values until further notice.

Organisations providing health and social care should be aware of the advice and guidance set out in the Department of Health’s Heatwave Plan, and the Heatwave Plan for Wales, as to the actions necessary before and during a Level 2 or Level 3 heatwave.

Specific advice to be followed by health care professionals, and the managers and staff of residential and nursing homes in the event of a heatwave is available from the Department of Health website www.gov.uk/government/publications, Public Health England’s website http://phe.gov.uk and the Welsh Government website http://wales.gov.uk/topics/health/improvement/seasonal/heatwave .

These alerts are sent to the CE of every SHA, Health Trust provider of NHS commissioned care, Local Authority and Social Care Organisation in England, and to Health Board CEs and Local Authority Directors of Social Services in Wales.

If you would like to add a colleague to receive these alerts we would be grateful if you could set up an internal cascade within your organisation.

For England: summer_heatwave_alerts@dh.gsi.gov.uk
For Wales: Health.Protection@wales.gsi.gov.uk


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