NARU CBRNe Operational / On Scene Command Course

TrainingHARTThe latest format of the NARU Operational/On Scene Command course was launched in June 2014 at the award winning NARU Education Centre, and has received particularly positive feedback from its delegates.

The original course was designed to train Operational Commanders from all NHS Ambulance Trusts to effectively manage a CBRN incident, as well as being able to take on the functional role as Ambulance Decontamination Officer if required.

The latest course has been updated in order to ensure the core elements are aligned with not only the JESIP Joint Command Doctrine, but also the Ambulance Command National Occupational Standards that have been produced by Skills for Justice. It also covers a wider variety of incidents (including flooding) and equips Commanders with the key elements of command so they can cope equally well when commanding a small Road Traffic Collision as they would a major incident.

This national course provides a gold standard to commanders with delegates exposed to the experience and knowledge of external speakers that are experts in their respective fields.

These speakers include:

  • An Associate of the College of Policing and former Assistant Chief Constable who also worked for the ACPO professional standards department.
  • Another Associate of the College of Policing and former Chief Superintendent and Head of the Police National CBRN Centre.
  • A fire officer from the CFOA National Resilience and Assurance Team (NRAT) who was part of the New Dimensions project team with responsibility for Urban Search and Rescue for the Fire & Rescue Service.
  • A former London Ambulance officer with a wealth of Major Incident Command experience at tactical and strategic level as well as working at Governmental level and leading the HART project nationally.
  • A Solicitor Advocate who has been involved in a number of high profile Inquiries and specialises in working with Emergency and Security Services.
  • A lecturer in Terrorism Studies who delivers courses nationally and internationally.

The course contents of this four day course, roughly follows the flow of an incident, starting with the basics of command, focusing on Decision Making, then leading into different scenarios including CBRNe, Flooding and various other incidents. The final day covers the UK judicial inquiry system and a mock court scenario.  This gives delegates a greater knowledge of what to expect in a variety of courts from Coroners to Public inquests.

The course is open to candidates who will, as part of their normal day to day role, be expected to command an incident at an operational level, or those who are looking to develop into this role.  We also welcome Control Room Managers as their input both during the course as well as during an incident is invaluable.

We have also recently seen attendees from the Military, Mountain Rescue as well as members of the Emergency Services from Europe.

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