NARU input to new Triage Sieve

The New Triage Sieve

With the publication of the 2013 Ambulance Clinical Practice Guidelines (JRCALC) it was acknowledged that since ambulance services are all practicing C<ABC> in their initial patient assessment, that the standard Triage Sieve needed to be updated to take account of the importance of initial assessment and treatment of catastrophic haemorrhage.

The National Ambulance Service Medical Directors Group (NASMeD) asked NARU to lead on this work and this resulted in the new NASMeD Triage Sieve being published in 2013 for use by all ambulance staff at a Major Incident.

NASMeD were keen that the new Triage Sieve fitted with standard ambulance day to day clinical care, the rationale being that when staff attend a major incident it is best that they continue with standard clinical practice and do not have to change into major incident mode – the reasoning being that when staff are under stress it is best to do more of their usual job rather than try and remember to do something different.

NARU distributed posters of the revised Triage Sieve to all Trusts.

Click here to see the new Triage Sieve.

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