NARU is in the process of drafting new service specifications for MTFA, CBRN and Command (including JESIP).
The MTFA service specification will be heavily informed by a recent practitioner workshop held by NARU and a forthcoming capability enhancement workshop due to take place in October.
The Command specification will seek to address some of the weaknesses identified in Ambulance command standards identified during the Hillsborough disaster and more recently through multi-agency JESIP verification exercises.
This specification will be closely aligned to the JESIP principles and the specific challenges facing Ambulance Commanders at all levels including their specific legal duty of care.
The CBRN specification is at an early draft stage and is being heavily influenced by the revised CBRN Join Operating Principles produced by the National Multi-Agency CBRN Centre.
If you would like to help support the development of these drafts or be involved in the consultation process, please email the NARU compliance officer – details are available here.