Online app for new HART Standard Operating Procedures

Final drafts of the HART Standard operating procedures (SOPs) have now been completed by the drafting groups and they have been sense checked by members of the National Operations Group.

NARU is developing a new online interface for staff to be able to access the revised SOPs which will be via an internet Application (app) which should be accessible on most devices. The app will be ‘beta tested’ between January and March 2017.

HART staff will be able to access the app from the end of January onwards and NARU will be releasing some guidance and FAQ’s in January to guide staff on how to provide feedback and amendments on the current draft content.

NARU Compliance Officer Christian Cooper says:

“Please note that we need our operational HART staff to review these SOPs and provide us with feedback. They will not be completed, nor will they go-live, until operational users have provided their feedback.”

A test version of the app will be available throughout February and March. HART Managers and Training Managers will initially have access followed by all operational HART staff a couple of weeks later.

Look out for a NARU set of FAQ’s which will provide further information soon.


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